



A Doll House《玩偶之家》


The Wild Duck《野鸭》


Hedda Gabler《海达 高布乐》


Master Builder《建筑大师》



Four Major Plays 1《易卜生四大戏剧1》精选19世纪挪威作家亨利克 易卜生的四部戏剧,包括《玩偶之家》《野鸭》《海达 高布乐》《建筑大师》。其中《玩偶之家》是易卜生的代表作,曾被比做“妇女解放运动的宣言书”,主要写主人公娜拉从爱护丈夫、信赖丈夫到与丈夫决裂,后来离家出走,摆脱玩偶地位的自我觉醒过程。剧本结构紧凑,情节集中。全剧采用追溯的手法,通过债主的要挟,海尔茂收到揭发信,交代剧情发展的关键事件娜拉伪造签名,然后集中刻画他们冲突、决裂的过程。

本书为Signet Classics推出的英文原版,由Rolf Fjelde翻译并作序,Joan Templeton后记,内容完整无删减,书本小巧便携。

Four Major Plays

Volume I

A Doll House

The Wild Duck

Hedda Gabler

The Master Builder

Among the greatest and best known of Ibsen’s works, these four plays brilliantly exemplify his landmark contributions to the theater: his realistic dialogue, probing of social problems, and depiction of characters’ inner lives as well as their actions. Rich in symbolism and often autobiographical, each of these dramas deals convincingly and provocatively with such universal themes as greed, fear, and sexual hostility, and confronts the eternal conflict between reality and illusion. These Rolf Fjelde translations have been widely acclaimed as the definitive versions of the major works of the father of modern theater.

Translated and with a Foreword by Rolf Fjelde And an Afterword by Joan Templeton


亨利克 易卜生(1828~1906),挪威剧作家、诗人、评论家。生于木材商家庭,当过学徒、编辑、剧院艺术指导,具有强烈的个人精神反叛色彩和神秘主义倾向。他的戏剧抨击时弊,宣传社会改革,塑造了众多个人主义英雄形象,反映了激进的小资产阶段民主意识。他开拓了欧洲戏剧发展的新道路,被称为现代戏剧之父。主要作品有:诗剧《彼尔 京特》(1867),社会悲剧《玩偶之家》(1879)、《群鬼》(1881)、《人民公敌》(1882)、《海达 加布勒》(1890);其象征性剧作《野鸭》(1884)、《当我们死而复醒时》(1899)等反映其“精神死亡”的思想。

Henrik Ibsen (1828–1906) is one of the greatest dramatists of world literature. His verse dramas Brand (1865) and Peer Gynt (1867) brought him fame in Scandinavia, but he became known throughout the world with twelve prose plays in which he invented what is known as theatrical realism: Pillars of Society (1877), A Doll House(1879), Ghosts (1881), An Enemy of the People (1882), The Wild Duck (1884), Rosmersholm (1886), The Lady from the Sea (1888), Hedda Gabler (1890), The Master Builder (1892), Little Eyolf (1894), John Gabriel Borkman (1896), and When We Dead Awaken (1899). Ibsen made ordinary people, talking about contemporary things in everyday language, proper subjects for the stage, and in so doing earned the title “the father of modern drama.” Ibsen is the second-most widely produced dramatist in the world after Shakespeare.

Rolf Fjelde (1926–2002) is America’s foremost translator of Ibsen. His Ibsen: The Complete Major Prose Plays (1978) and his verse translation of Peer Gynt (1980) are landmarks in Ibsen studies. In 1978, Fjelde was elected founding President of the Ibsen Society of America, an office he held for fifteen years. Fjelde was also a widely published poet and was founding editor of the Yale Poetry Review. He was honored by Norway with the Order of St. Olaf, and by his compatriots with membership in the American Academy of Arts and Letters.

Joan Templeton is the author of the critically acclaimed four-hundred-page monograph Ibsen’s Women, along with many articles on drama in PMLA, Scandinavian Studies, Modern Drama, and elsewhere. She has lectured widely on Ibsen worldwide. She is President of the Ibsen Society of America, a member of the International Ibsen Committee, and editor of Ibsen News and Comment.

